Can you cater my event?

We keep our saddles oiled and our guns greased. In other words - yes! We’re always prepared for weddings, birthday parties, and other events. Send us and email or call whenever you’re free and we’ll be happy to work out the details with you.

Can I buy in-person?

Not yet. While we work on getting our store front up and running we do offer local deliveries to those in the Dallas area - not perfect, but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

How do I return an item?

Need a return, just send us a message and we’ll get you taken care of. We’re busier than a one-legged man at a butt kicking convention trying to handle orders. Sometimes that means we’ll make a mistake, and when we do we will get it fixed as quickly as possible.

Do you have gift cards?

You can bet the farm on it! We currently offer e-gift cards purchasable online here.

Can you be a vendor at our corporate event, block party or festival?

We’d love the opportunity. If our schedule permits and this Texas weather allows us: you know our summers are as dry as popcorn farts and hotter than a two dollar pistol. Contact us as soon as possible so we can plan and organize accordingly.